1. Report -

    Local Healthwatch across Berkshire worked together in teams to asked patients to complete an anonymous survey and/or to take part in one-to-one or group conversations.
  2. News -

    Every Spring we decide which areas we should focus our work on over the coming year. We base this on feedback we’ve had from local people and on the priorities of local health and care services.
  3. Report -

    Windsor, Ascot & Maidenhead residents tell us What Matters Most when it comes to health and social care services.
  4. Report -

    In 2016 the Accessible Information Standard was introduced to give disabled people and people with sensory loss the legal right to receive information from the NHS and local adult social care.
  5. News -

    Healthwatch is an independent organisation in the United Kingdom that gathers and represents the views and experiences of patients, service users, and the public on health and social care services.
  6. Report -

    The Big Health Chat tour and report recognise how a variety of services, and the environment where people live, affect the health and wellbeing of our community. These include housing, transport, leisure, police and community assets..