Annual Report - Healthwatch Windsor, Ascot & Maidenhead 2022-2023
Annual Report 22/23 find out what we got up to in 2022-23 and read about our plans for the future. As always we’ve done our best this year to put your voices at the heart of health and social care

Healthwatch Windsor, Ascot & Maidenhead is proud to publish our annual report for 2022-2023. In what has still been a challenging year of recovery from the pandemic, we have continued to put residents at the heart of the health and social care services they receive.
In this report, you can read about what we have been doing over the last 12 months including projects like Waiting for Hospital Treatment and our GP access work. You can also find our priorities for the coming year- these were chosen as a result of your feedback and what you have been telling us.
A download link to the report is below. If you need the report in another format or would like to discuss anything, please email or call 0300 012 0184